후지 하코네 패스 로 가는 [도쿄] Harajuku Food Tour

후지 하코네 패스

고라 / 도겐다이 항(港) / 센고쿠다니 / 소운산 / 신주쿠 / 아시노코 호수 / 오다 와라시 / 하코네 유모토 / 하코네마치
인기 관광지・이벤트
[도쿄] Harajuku Food Tour
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • Discover Harajuku's lively streets in Tokyo, its diverse fashion, and delicious food. It is the center of its kawaii (cute) culture, with neon colors, adorable characters, and trendy styles. The legendary Takeshita Street and Cat Street near Shibuya and the peaceful Meiji Shrine are known for their fashion vibes.
  • Join the Harajuku Food Tour to savor local delights, including ramen, tempura, and takoyaki. Treat yourself to popular desserts like the iconic crepes and castella cake from Harajuku's cute sweet shops.
  • Led by a local guide, this enjoyable food tour introduces you to the best flavors of Harajuku. Immerse yourself in the vibrant and unique culture of Harajuku through its delicious treats.

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