JR 도쿄 와이드 패스(3일권) 로 가는 [도치기] Experiential Art Installation "Energy Furnace"

외국인도 사용 가능

JR 도쿄 와이드 패스(3일권)

도쿄 나리타에 치고 유자와 / 카루이자와 햇빛 후지산
인기 관광지・이벤트
[도치기] Experiential Art Installation "Energy Furnace"
오늘부터 이용 가능
취소 불가
액티비티 개요
  • Since the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima, Mr. Kuribayashi has been visiting Fukushima for 10 years and states that he has received a lot of energy from the people of Fukushima. Rather than having a negative image based only on superficial information, he felt the importance of taking the time to make contact with the reality with his own eyes and feet, and verifying the facts. Inspired by these experiences, he created a 'Energy Furnace', which generates herbal steam inside structures like nuclear reactors. This is an expression of a negative problem in a positive way, as if people who enter the nuclear reactor come out feeling energized.
  • By contacting society only through external information and stepping out from this world filled with prejudice and misunderstanding, it teaches us the importance of fully enjoying the present.

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그 밖의 추천 철도티켓

  • 웰컴 스이카 카드 (JR 노선 1일 패스 포함)

  • 【교통패스】닛코 패스 (도부 열차패스) - 도쿄 근교 여행 4일권

    2,120~4,780 JPY

  • 닛코 패스 (아사쿠사 수령) - 2일권

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • 닛코 패스 (아사쿠사 수령) - 2일권

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • JR 이스트 나가노/니가타 플렉시블 (5일권)

  • JR 도호쿠 플렉시블 5일권 (일본 수령)

  • JR 이스트-사우스 홋카이도 레일패스 플렉시블 (6일권)

  • [일본 전지역] JR 패스 (7, 14, 21일권)

    50,000~100,000 JPY

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