[가고시마] Granite Obelisk in Yakushima Full-Day Trekking Tour
오늘부터 이용 가능
취소 규정
액티비티 개요
  • Yakushima is a subtropical mossy green island off the coast of Kyushu.  It is covered by an extensive ancient cedar forest with trees more than 1000 years old. Islanders in Yakushima live more conscious of the environment around them than anywhere else in Japan.
  • Requirements:
  • -trekking shoes
  • -rainwear (a set of jacket and pants, no matter what the weather cast says)
  • -backpack (enough size to carry what you want/need to take with you)
  • -trekking poles (optional)
  • -gaiters (optional in case of raining or snowing)
  • Above listed gears are available in Yakushima to rent > link (about rental gear)
  • -gloves (trekking requires rope-climbing at some parts)
  • -soft-shell or fleece (in wintertime)
  • -thermal underwear (in wintertime)
  • -water bottle(water can be refilled on the way)
  • -snack (or any portable food to charge your energy)

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