【간사이 히로시마】JR 산요 산인 패스(7일권) 로 가는 [야마구치] 야마구치 패스 (1주일 무료 패스)


【간사이 히로시마】JR 산요 산인 패스(7일권)

고베 / 교토 / 나라 / 다카마쓰 / 돗토리 / 시모노세키 / 야마구치 / 오사카 / 오카야마 / 와카야마 / 하기 / 하카타 / 히로시마
인기 관광지・이벤트
간사이 국제공항 나라공원 돗토리 사구 원폭돔 유니버셜스튜디오재팬 이쓰쿠시마 신사
[야마구치] 야마구치 패스 (1주일 무료 패스)
0.0 ( 여행후기0건 )
13명의 선택
오늘부터 이용 가능
바우처 교환 전 무료 취소 가능

# Have Fun in YAMAGUCHI Pass 1 Week Free Pass # How to use * You will receive a PDF file in the mailbox after booking, please show the QR-Code at the facility during the visit, or present the ticket * The same facility can only be used once, and the same facility can not be re-entered * Start your pass within validity period: 90 days after purchase date * After scanning the code at the first facility, it remains valid for 7 days * During the valid period, you can use it at 3 facilities/5 facilities * Please check the information about each facility, business hours, and public holidays in advance at the following links: [English](https://www.travelcontentsapp.com/have-fun/have-fun-in-yamaguchi-1-week-free-pass/en),[Japanese](https://www.travelcontentsapp.com/have-fun/have-fun-in-yamaguchi-1-week-free-pass/jp), [Traditional Chinese](https://www.travelcontentsapp.com/have-fun/have-fun-in-yamaguchi-1-week-free-pass/tc), [Simplified Chinese](https://www.travelcontentsapp.com/have-fun/have-fun-in-yamaguchi-1-week-

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