[Kagoshima] Art Hotel Kagoshima and DISCOVER KYUSHU EXPRESS “36+3”( Green car seat type) Package

DISCOVER KYUSHU EXPRESS “36+3”( Green car seat type)

Fukuoka / Kagoshima / Kumamoto / Miyazaki / Nagasaki / Oita / Saga
Popular areas and events
Aso National Park Beppu Onsen Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Fukuoka Airport Huis Ten Bosch Sakurajima Yakushima Yufuin Onsen

13,600~24,000 JPY

[Kagoshima] Art Hotel Kagoshima

5,500 JPY

  • From the guest rooms on the Kinko Bay side, you can see the mighty Sakurajima, and you can refresh your body and mind with the majesty of nature.
  • All rooms are equipped with spacious bathrooms, full room amenities, and Wi-Fi. We promise you a comfortable stay.
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  • JR Pass for Whole Japan (7, 14, 21 Days)

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