[Oita] Beppu Asahiya and DISCOVER KYUSHU EXPRESS “36+3”( Green car seat type) Package

DISCOVER KYUSHU EXPRESS “36+3”( Green car seat type)

Fukuoka / Kagoshima / Kumamoto / Miyazaki / Nagasaki / Oita / Saga
Popular areas and events
Aso National Park Beppu Onsen Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Fukuoka Airport Huis Ten Bosch Sakurajima Yakushima Yufuin Onsen

13,600~24,000 JPY

[Oita] Beppu Asahiya

13,500 JPY

  • 【The room】
  • The soft linen curtains let in the light, and the faint scent of sulfur from the hot springs soothes you, almost like aromatherapy. Although the interior is minimalistic, the lofts in all rooms create a sense of playfulness.
  • Forget your busy daily life for a while, stretch out and relax.
  • 【hot spring】
  • The spring quality is sodium chloride spring. It is high in metasilicic acid, a natural moisturizing ingredient for your skin, which makes your skin moist and smooth.
  • The water has a salty taste and a soft and gentle texture, making it difficult to get cold and has a high heat retention effect.
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